Join me as we cross bridges to unite our country to put our Nation First!
Together we Act as One!
Together we Win as One!
About Anna
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
Anna Cheng Kramer was born in Taiwan after her parents escaped from Communist China. She immigrated to the United States for college, obtaining a BA in Economics from Whitman College in Washington State. She went on to get her MBA from the University of Santa Clara and became a US Citizen in 1984. Her family background, with parents escaping Communist China, has instilled in her a profound understanding of the negative impact of oppressive regimes and the power of individual liberty. With her strong foundation in economics, Anna envisions a community where free market principles thrive.
Anna’s career has primarily been in housing as she was most recently a Managing Director operating multi-housing investment properties along the west coast. Previously, she was the Chief Operating Officer of the largest affordable housing developer in San Mateo County, Mid-Peninsula Housing Coalition, where she gained invaluable nonprofit affordable housing experience.
Political Involvement
Anna took part in local politics early on serving as Chairwoman of North Fair Oaks. Under her leadership, she oversaw infrastructure improvements in a low-income community that expanded public safety and promoted the business climate. She also served on the Economic Development Advisory Board of San Carlos that created a vision of downtown incorporating affordable housing elements into the community.
Concerned about the decline of California’s safety, economy, and individual rights, Anna's decision to become politically active was a pivotal moment. She recognized the need to safeguard values like freedom of expression, religious beliefs, and parental rights and to work together despite divisive partisan rhetoric. Under her leadership, the minority party began to have a voice, strengthening its capacity to advocate for these principles and work together for a representative government.
Anna's overarching vision is rooted in the belief that democracy thrives when diverse perspectives are heard and respected. She passionately advocates for open dialogue and constructive debate, understanding that this is the cornerstone of effective governance. Her commitment to community outreach exemplifies her determination to ensure every voice is heard, and every opinion contributes to shaping the path forward.
“…One Nation Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for All.”
As a first-generation immigrant, I recited the words from Our Pledge of Allegiance with pride.
Sadly, we have drifted afar from our pledge to the flag in California and our nation. Here in California, many wonder why Republicans still exist—they forget that our democracy can be preserved only with a two-party system. The divisiveness in partisan politics does not make our nation stronger. It weakens and distracts us from the real tasks at hand: Which is to build our community with faith and love and conquer the challenges of homelessness, rampant crime, the high cost of living sustainable only with two-income working families, and ineffective schools.
Anna Cheng Kramer, Candidate for California's 15th District
Anna Cheng Kramer
…always fighting for your rights!
“I may not agree with you but I will defend to the death your right to say it”
The power of diverse voices should shape California's destiny, not a single party's dominion. True freedom, equality, and democracy flourish when individuals can express their beliefs and opinions without fear of backlash. Unfortunately, many Californians and Americans no longer feel safe to exercise this fundamental right, burdened by the fear of job loss or unfounded labels.
Anna is committed to being the voice of reason, steadfastly championing our right to free speech.
Anna at a Free Speech event.
Why you should vote
Anna Cheng Kramer for Congress
In Anna's eyes, the future of her community and America hinges on maintaining a delicate balance between individual liberties and collective progress. Her experience, values, and dedication equip her to champion affordable housing, protect essential rights, and foster an environment where every citizen's voice is an integral part of shaping the nation's destiny. Through hard work, pragmatic solutions, collaborative leadership, and an unwavering commitment to democratic values, Anna envisions a future that is inclusive, prosperous, and respectful of the diverse tapestry that makes up our society.