Infrastructure Investment with Fiscal Accountability

Infrastructure investments, including projects like airports, roads, mass transit, bridges, and dams, are vital for a robust economy. While necessary, Anna believes that any additional government spending on social or climate initiatives should be carefully evaluated and supported by clear evidence of positive results and their economic impact. She advocates for transparency and accountability in government, emphasizing that taxpayer funds should not be misused for political gain.

Considering these principles, Anna supports auditing all government initiatives for reasonable results. She will also entertain the idea of implementing term limits for elected officials and high-ranking government personnel to ensure a more effective and ethical governance system.

Meeting Public Transportation Needs

Public transit, transportation, and mobility are essential and pivotal factors in creating a well-functioning environment where individuals can maintain their autonomy and freedom, businesses can effectively attract and retain qualified employees, and the community at large benefits immensely from improved connectivity and cohesion.

This interconnectedness not only fosters a sense of belonging among residents but also encourages collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity, allowing for a thriving community where everyone has the opportunity to contribute to and participate in the shared future.


Market-Driven Healthcare Reforms