Defending Liberties in America and Abroad

Anna is committed to ensuring that our legislators prioritize the safeguarding of citizens' constitutional rights to prevent government overreach, thus bolstering individual liberties.

Additionally, she will prioritize freedoms such as freedom from censorship, government mandates and religious freedom. Anna is dedicated to promoting America's principles internationally and opposing totalitarian regimes. She is strongly opposed to the interference of freedom of expression within the United States by oppressive governments.

She advocates for a strategic approach to military engagements to prevent unnecessary burden on taxpayers. Recognizing the sacrifices made by veterans and military families, Anna emphasizes the importance of ensuring they are properly cared for.

Comparing the candidates

HR7217 (2024 Federal)

Israel Security Supplemental Appropriation Act, 2024-provides emergency funds to DOD and Dept.of State for the defense of Israel.

Kevin Mullin Voted NO
Failed 250-180 (2/3rd majority required to pass)

Anna Kramer’s Position

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and is strategically important to the US for national defense.

HR845 (2024 Federal)

Censuring Rep. Rashida Tlaib for promoting false narratives regarding Hamas attack on Israel 10/7/24, and for calling for the destruction of the state of Israel.

Kevin Mullin Voted NO
House Ratified 234-188

Anna Kramer’s Postition

Elected officials must be accountable for their actions. Spreading of misinformation should be censured to ensure the integrity of members of Congress.

HR382 (2023 Federal)

Pandemic is Over.

Kevin Mullin Voted NO
House Ratified 220-120

Anna Kramer’s Postition

This restores fundamental freedoms from mandates to our public health workers and first responders, and ensures the government is accountable to the people.

HR5961 (2023 Federal)

No Funds for Iranian Terroism Act - (blocks Biden from releasing restricted $6B to Iran)

Kevin Mullin Voted NO
House Ratified 307-119

Anna Kramer’s Postition

Iran is a sponsor of terrorism supporting Hamas and Hezbollah. The release of these funds likely funded the 10/7 attack.

HR140 (2023 Federal)

Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act-prohibitS Federal employees from advocating for censorship of viewpoints in their official capacity, and for other purposes.

Kevin Mullin Voted NO
House Ratified 219-206

Anna Kramer’s Postition

Government entities such as the FBI should not be working with Twitter (now X) or Facebook to censor or misdirect content (Rep James Comer). This is what Communist China does to indoctrinate people. We are better than that.

HR927 (2023 Federal)

Condemning antisemitism on University campuses and the testimony of University Presidents in the House Committee on Education and the Workforce

Kevin Mullin Voted NO
House Ratified 303-126

Anna Kramer’s Postition

If University Presidents cannot condemn antisemitic behavior, there is no longer freedom of religion in our education institutions. Freedom of speech cannot be used to harrass Jewish students on campus.

HCon Res 9 (2023 Federal)

Denouncing the horrors of socialism as associated with socialist ideologues, including Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong.

Kevin Mullin Voted NO
House Ratified 238-86

Anna Kramer’s Postition

Socialism has no place in the U.S. as it collapses into communism resulting in totalitarian rule and brutal dictatorships. My parents escaped the millions of Chinese killed under Mao's regime.

HR11 (2023 Federal)

Establishes the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party.

Kevin Mullin Voted NO
House Ratified 365-65

Anna Kramer’s Postition

The CCP has a long term plan to overtake the US as the world power. This Committee is critical to maintaining our status as a free nation under capitalism.


Safe and Strong Communities


Education for Our Workforce