Anna Cheng Kramer for Congress

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Disagree with guest perspective

Letter to the Editor | July 11, 2024 | LINK


I am writing in response to Robert Shinkoskey’s guest perspective dated June 26 titled “Republicans are the problem, not the solution.” Unfortunately, the article’s divisive tone contributes to the polarization of our country. A healthy democracy requires the representation of multiple political parties in the legislature. Therefore, stating that “Republicans have undermined American democracy” is an embellishment, particularly when Democrats have controlled the California Legislature for many decades, with current supermajority status over the past decade.

Both Democrats and Republicans share the goal of wanting America to succeed and prosper, albeit with different approaches. Democrats emphasize the role of government in achieving prosperity through welfare and taxation. Republicans prioritize creating a thriving business environment to generate tax revenues. These differing approaches can be reconciled through collaboration and rational discussion rather than divisive assertions.

In summary, in my opinion, assigning the majority of the responsibility for the current state of affairs to Republicans is disingenuous and counterproductive.

Anna Cheng Kramer
San Carlos